ki-miyo-mahcihowin mistēhtākwan niyanān osci. kīspin ki-nitawēhtiyin sihtoskātowin, kahcipis Hope for Wellness Help Line at 1-855-242-3310 to access toll-free, 24/7 kākītohowin ēkwa mākwēyimowin wīcihtāsowin. ōhi sihcikēwin-itōtamowina astēwa ēsi nēhiyawēwin, Inuktitut, nahkawēyimowin, French ēkwa English

nīkānihk wīcihtāsowin

kā-kanātahk askiy kā-wī-nakinahkik kinwēs misiwanācihcikēwin ēkwa pokwātitātowin isi iyiniwak-kotakwa itwēwina, māmīnopitamākēwin-ē-mācipayik māka atiht tipahamātowina ispayinwa.

ikospē 2009, iyiniwak kīsikāw kiskinwahamātowikamikwa paspēwiyiniwak mācipitamok wiyasiwēwin ta-misihocik okimānāhk, ē-nitawēhtahkik ta-mēyihcik sōniyāw osci kā-kī-pē-kwātakihihcik ēkwa kā-itisahohcik ta-kiskinwahamācik iyiniw kīsikāw kiskinwahamātowikamikwa. 2009, kaskihowak $1.47B ta-tipahamawihcik, mīna $200 Million itisahoht isi MDSSC’s ta-kwēcimihcik ayisīniwak kīkwaya osci anima nīkānihk wīcihtāsowin itascikēwin ēkwa itōtamowin osci nānitaw 120,000 ayisīniwak.

poko ta-pihtawihcik iyiniwak kīsikāw kiskinwahamātowikamikwa misikāmē ōma itōtamowin- ēyakwa ōma kā–asotahkik MDSSC’s onīkānēwak, pakosēhtamok anima MDSSC ēkwa anima nīkānihk wīcihtāsowin ta-osihtāwak ē-miywāsiki kīkwaya osci McLean Federal Indian Day Schools Class Action settlement ēkwa mistahi ta-sihtoskawihcik paspēwiyiniwak ēkwa owahkōmākaniwāwa.

Indian Day Schools
Students attended
$ 0 M
McLean Legacy Fund


anima The McLean Day Schools Settlement Corporation Legacy Fund ē-pimipayitācik onīkānēwak wīstwāw kīsikāw kiskinwahamātowikamik paspēwiyiniwak ēkwa kā-kiskēhtahkik. onīkānēwak ayāwēwak nisto onīkānēwak ēkwa tēpakohp ē-wī-ayāwācik.

ōki onīkānēwak:

Elder Claudette Commanda

Photo Credit: Indspire

kihtē-ayay Claudette Commanda

kihci-kiskinwahamākēw, wiyasiwākan, paspēwiyiniw kinwēs iyiniwa ē-pē-wīcihāt.
Chief Roger Augustine

okimāw Roger Augustine

AFN Regional okimāw osci New Brunswick ēkwa Prince Edward Island, wīsta wiyasiwākan ēkwa paspēwiyiniw kinwēs onīkānēwihk ē-kī-pē-atoskēyit.
James “Jim” Igloliorte

James “Jim” Igloliorte

Labradors pēyak Inuk kihci-wiyasiwēw, otahawēw osc anima 1999 misawē iyiniw kaskihtāwin otahiwākan, ēkwa opīkiskwēstamākēw osci iyiniwak.

“I know you may not know some of the damages that have happened, and for me, I forgive you for that, because for me without forgiveness things stay the same.”

— Garry McLean, Lead plaintiff in Indian Day School class action lawsuit

Garry McLean

anima nīkānihk wīcihtāsowin wīhowin ohcipayik osci Garry McLean osci Lake Manitoba First Nation ēkwa ē-pīkiskwēstamowāt nāntaw 200,000 paspēwiyiniwak isi onīkānēw wiyasiwākan ēkota MDSSC, anima tipahākēwin owīhowin astēw otahcahk.

kihtē-ayay anima onīkānēw, wīcihitāsosk, ēkwa atoskēwiyiniw. Kwayisk pīkiskwēstamowēw iyiniwak kīsikāw kiskinwahamātowikamikwa paspēwiyiniwak mīna owahkōmākaniwāwa. otatoskēwin Garry McLean sohkanēw, wīcihtāsowin pokwāwiya, ēkwa mistēhtākwan isi wiyasiwēwin, ēkwa anima nīkānihk wīcihtāsowin kinwēs ta-atoskēmakanēw.

kīsikāw -kiskinwahamātowikamikwa

nāntaw 200,000 iyiniw awāsisak itisahohcik okimānāhk iyiniw kīsikāw kiskinwahamātowikamikwa, pokwēta tipahāskānihk misawē kā-kanātahk askiy ikospihk āpihtaw 1800’s iskohk 2000. Moy-yohci-kiskēhtamihk ōma kā-ki-ispayik, iyiniw kīsikāw kiskinwahamātowikamikwa mayipicēmakana isi sihcikēwina, pīkiskwēwina, iyiniwātisowina, ohci mihcēyit iyiniw awāsisak ēkwa owahkōmākaniwāwa.

okimānāhk itasiwēwina kitimāhtāsowina itōcikēmakana wīsakihtāwina kiyāpic ē-mōsihtāhk anohc pihtaw osci ōhi kiskinwahamātowikamikwa.

MDSSC pakosēhtamowin iyiniw onīkānēwak ēkwa iyiniw kīsikāw paspēwiyiniwak, ta-osihtāwak ē-miywāsiki mēskanawa osci nātawihowin, pīkiskwēwina, sihcikēwina, miyo-mahcihowin, kiskisowin, ēkwa tāpwēwin wihtamākēwin.


anima Mclean Day Schools Settlement Corporation (MDSSC) ē-kī-sipwēpitamihk pihtaw osci Mclean Federal Indian Day Schools Class Action Settlement, kā-miyihcik $200 Million Legacy Fund osci itōtamowin ta-sihtoskawēhcik paspēwiyiniwak osci okimānāhk kitimahtāsowi kiskinwahamākēwikamikwa, ēkwa owahkōmākaniwāwa. MDSSC pimipayihtāw CEO kihtē-ayay Claudette Commanda, kā-apit MDSSC Board isi AFN okimāhkān Roger Augustine ēkwa Dr. James Igloliorte. Ayimihtā MDSSA’s Board ōta ēkwa mīna Legacy Fund ōta.

pēyakwan ohtohtēmakanwa misawē wiyasiwēwin kā-mācipitahk, kihtē-ayay Garry Mclean, MDSSC ēkwa nitotamākēwin (kā-pimipayihtahkik Deloitte Canada) pītos anihi. itastēw MDSSC makīkway kiskēhtamowin osci nitotamākēwin, kīkwaya kā-astēki, tānspī, ahpo tānsi itasiwēk, moy mīna nikaskihtānān ta-kiskimihtāyāhk anima nitotamākēwin. ē-nohtē sihtoskawāyahkik paspēwiyiniwak ēkwa owahkōmākaniwāwak, ēkwa kotakwa atoskēwina isi Day Schools, ēkota osci Legacy Fund, ta-wīcihitāson ta-sipwēpitamihk atoskēwina tāskoc iyiniw pīkiskwēwina & sihcikēwina, nātawihowin & miyo-mahcihowin, kiskisowin, ēkwa tāpwēwin ta-wihtamihk.
namōya. kīsikāw kiskinwahamākēwikamikwa anihi kiskinwahamākēwikamikwa ēta iyiniw awāsisak kā-itisahohcik kā-kīsikāk, māka wīkiwak otaskiywāhk ēkwa wīkimēwak owahkōmākaniwak. ōhi kiskinwahamākēwikamikwa moy astēwa ēkota Truth and Reconciliation Commisson. moy mīna ēkota Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement osci 2006. māka, tāscoc kitamahtāwi-kiskinwahamākēwikamikwa, mihcēt okiskinwahamākanak ēkota kīsikāw kiskinwahamākēwikamikwa kitimahāwak ēkwa moy pakitinihcik ta-kiskēyimisocik tāskoc opīkiskwēwiniwāwa, sihcikēwina, ēkwa iyiniwātisiwina.

anima Legacy Fund ē-osihcikātēk ta-sihtoskamihk: pīkiskwēwina, sihcikēwina, nātawihowin & miyo-mahcihowin, kiskisowin, ēkwa tāpwēwin wihtamākēwin. Poko ta-nitohtawihcik paspēwiyiniwak, owahkōmākaniwāwak, māmawi wīkowina tānisi anima Legacy Fund ta-isinākwahk, itōtamihk, ēkwa ka-mīhcik iyiniwak ta-apacihtācik. Ni-wi-kiskinwahamāyahkik paspēwiyiniwak ēkwa owahkōmākaniwak. moy kā-kaskihtācik ta-pē wāpahtahkik anihi wihtamākēwina, nika masinahēnān masinahikan ta-wihtamākowiyāhk tānisi Legacy Fund ta-itōtamihk.

pōnipayiki tipahamākēwin, (i.e. Claims) kīsihcikātēki. nipakosēhtēnān MDSSC ēkwa Legacy Fund ta-osihtāwak itōtamowina osci Mclean Federal Indian Day Schools Class Action Settlement ēkwa mistahi sihtoskātowin osci paspēwiyiniwak ēkwa owahkōmākaniwāwa. nitawēhtēnān anima Fund kwayisk ta-apacihcikātēk, kwayisk paspēwiyiniwak ta-wīcihikocik, nitawēhtēnān wihtamākēwina osci pokwāwiyak, mīna owahkōmākaniwāwa. ayiwāk kiskēhtamowin osci wīcihowin, ōta itāpi.

Kā-kī masinahonān ōta.

nika koci-wihtēnān kwēcihkēmowina ayāyini isi nitatoskēwinān, anima Legacy Fund, ēkwa wīcihowin atoskēwin ka-ahkami itōtamāhk.

ikospē takwākin 2019, ni-ki-atoskātēnān ē-osihtāyāhk MDSSC ēkwa ta-pimipayihtāk Legacy Fund, isihtāhk atoskēwin, isi soniyahkēwin ēkwa kanawēhtamowin masinahikan ta-astēki. kiyām āta ē-ayimahk pihtaw osci misi ahkosiwin Covid-19, niwīhānānak onīkānēwak ēkwa CEO, ēkwa ta-itasiwiyāhk sōniyahkēwina ta-kanawēhtamahk anima Fund. ōma askiy ka-akamiht, ni-atoskēnān kwayisk ta-astāyahk atoskēwin masinahikan osci wīcihitāsowin itōtamowin, ta-sihtoskēmakahk, kanawēyimikahk, ēkwa pokwāyak osci, ēkwa ni-mamihtisinān ē-wī-mācipitamāhk wīcihtāsowin wihtamākēwin wīpac.
Elder Claudette Commanda

Photo Credit: Indspire


Professor Claudette Commanda is an Algonquin Anishinabe from Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation who has dedicated the last 35 years to promoting First Nations people, history, culture, and rights. At the University of Ottawa, she is the former chair of the Indigenous Education Council and a professor for the Institute of Women’s Studies; Faculties of Education and Law; and the Aboriginal Studies Program. She is also the Special Advisor on Reconciliation for the Dean, Faculty of Law.

In 2017, Claudette was the first Elder-in-Residence for the Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa, and the first person of a First Nation heritage appointed to the University’s Board of Governors. In March 2020, Claudette received the 2020 INDSPIRE Award for Culture, Heritage and Spirituality.

She was inducted into the Common Law Honour Society, serving two terms on the Board of Governors for the First Nations University of Canada and three terms on the Kitigan Zibi band council, and she is CEO of the First Nations Confederacy of Cultural Education Centres. Claudette is a proud mother of four and grandmother of ten.

Chief Roger Augustine


Roger Augustine, a Mi’kmaq from New Brunswick, has been involved in Aboriginal and Canadian leadership for over 40 years, promoting collaboration, mutual respect, peace and friendship.

Mr. Augustine was Chief of Eel Ground First Nation from 1980 to 1996. As a community leader, his numerous accomplishments include signing the historic 1981 Declaration of Aboriginal and Treaty Rights, and negotiating a $90 million partnership for eight New Brunswick First Nations communities in 1995. One of his greatest achievements is addressing addiction in his community through a curriculum for Eel Ground Federal School, receiving awards as Chairman of the National Drug and Alcohol Advisory Board.

He remains Chairman of the Rising Sun Treatment Centre at Eel Ground, and is Chairman for the Center of Indigenous Environmental Resources, a Commissioner for Indian Land Claims, an Assurance Group Member of Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development, and a member of the Indigenous Advisory Council with BMO.

Chief Augustine has received national recognition for his lifetime of service and leadership, including the Queen Elizabeth II’s Golden Jubilee Medal (2002), the National Achievement Medal from Société Nationale de lè Acadie (2018), and the Queen’s Meritorious Service Medal (2020).

James “Jim” Igloliorte


James Igloliorte of Hopedale, Labrador is a retired Provincial Court judge. He and his wife, Linda Carter, started their careers as teachers on the West Coast of Newfoundland. Later, he was appointed as a lay magistrate, and, after completing law school, Dr. Igloliorte became Labrador’s circuit judge, a position he held for most of his career. He was a 1999 National Aboriginal Achievement Award recipient in Law and Justice, and retired from the bench in 2004.

A former Commissioner with the Royal Commission on Renewing and Strengthening Our Place in Canada, Dr. Igloliorte was also Newfoundland and Labrador’s Child and Youth Advocate and Commissioner of the Qikiqtani Truth Commission in Nunavut. Judge Igloliorte is currently serving as Chief Commissioner of the the Inquiry into the Treatment, Experiences, and Outcomes of Innu in the Child Protection System and the Inquiry into Ground Search and Rescue for Lost and Missing Persons in Newfoundland and Labrador. He is also a Reconciliation Officer of the Sixties Scoop Settlement Agreement.

James Igloliorte and his wife live in St. John’s, Newfoundland. They have four children and five grandchildren.


Garry McLean Zhoongi-ghabowi ininah


Garry McLean (Zhoongi-ghabowi ininah, “Standing Strong Man”) of the Bear Clan was born and raised in Dog Creek Lake Manitoba First Nation, where he lived with his parents and seven siblings. His nickname, “Sunny Boy”, came from his love for waking up early and a cereal he’d beg his grandfather to buy. Despite both parents attending residential school, their connection to language and culture remained strong; Garry spoke Saulteaux Ojibway all his life.

Garry was just six or seven when he began attending the Dog Creek Day School. Shortly after the morning bell rang, he would get the strap for not saying ‘good morning’ in English. Despite the darker times he endured in his youth, Garry shared his gifts of joy and positivity, believing change and growth first begins within. “You’ve gotta,” he’d say. “Ask and have faith that support and guidance will meet you on your path.”

A strong advocate for Treaty rights, Garry was devoted to the interests and well-being of First Nations people, serving as political advisor to three Manitoba Grand Chiefs. He never tired of volunteering his time and talents, and was lead plaintiff in a multi-billion-dollar lawsuit against the federal government for Indian Day Schools. An Indigenous leader and mentor of many abilities, he was also an elected councilor, general manager, director, salesman, and co-published the Indigenous newspaper, Weetamah.

Garry was married and has a daughter and granddaughter. Despite his many professional successes, some of his favourite roles were those of Father, Papa, Uncle, Brother, and friend.

“My life is bigger than I am” is the simple quote taped above the mirror in Garry’s bathroom, serving as a regular reminder of what’s possible.