Aani, Atelihai, Boozhoo, Kwey, Tansi, Bonjour, and Hello, Survivors of Federal Indian Day Schools,
We hope you and your families are well.
We bring you an update on the good work being done on the Legacy Fund that is part of the Federal Indian Day Schools Settlement.
A Legacy Fund of $200 million was created for Survivors of the Federal Indian Day Schools, their children, and grandchildren.
In September 2022, the McLean Day School Settlement Corporation (MDSCC) Board announced the creation of an Advisory Council to develop the guidelines and procedures for the distribution of the Legacy Fund, including criteria for the application process. This important work continues by the Advisory Council in a good way that reflects what we heard from Survivors and their families. “It is important that we set up this fund in a meaningful and sustainable way that responds to the feedback we received during the engagement sessions,” said MDSSC Chief Executive Officer, Elder Claudette Commanda.
We acknowledge that communities are waiting to access these funds to support healing and wellness, language and culture, commemoration and truth telling. Once the criteria and assessment process are approved by the Board, we will announce the Legacy Fund application process.
The MDSSC Board will provide further updates on the progress made on funding criteria, eligibility, and timelines.
Funding will be distributed to organizations and not individuals. Individual compensation was part of the Federal Indian Day School Settlement. MDSSC is not involved with the claims process and does not provide compensation or review Claims. For information about the Federal Indian Day School Class Action, visit: indiandayschools.com. To learn more about the MDSSC path forward or to contact a member of our team, visit: mcleansdayschoolssettlementcorporation.ca.