We are excited for our next virtual MDSSC Legacy Fund National Outreach Session on January 25 2022 at 11:30 AM – 4:00 PM EST, as we invite all Federal Indian Day School Survivors and their families to participate. This will be a bilingual session, with interpretation available in both French and English.
The MDSSC Legacy Fund National Outreach Session is a 4.5-hour virtual session for Survivors to directly provide us their feedback on how the Fund should be administered and implemented. Our facilitator will respectfully spark thoughtful discussion through guided questions. Our hope is for the MDSSC Legacy Fund to be as responsive as possible, truly meeting the needs and expectations of Survivors and their families, so we appreciate any input from those individuals, as well as their families.
Mental health and cultural supports, including Elders, will be available throughout the event. We will also host an optional mental health aftercare session immediately following the National Outreach Session.
To register for this session, please visit our updated Registration Page, which we developed to make it easier for Survivors and their families to sign up for virtual regional and national Outreach Sessions.
January 25, 2022
11:30 AM – 4:00 PM EST